200: 3 Speaking Trends We’ll See in 2023

The last few years have been anything but what we expected. Even with the ups and downs, speaking has stayed strong. Where we spoke, who we spoke to, or what we spoke about may have changed… but speaking is clearly here to stay for the long haul. 

As we look ahead to 2023, what will the speaking world look like for you and I? What can you expect as you continue your speaking journey…or take the first step as a new speaker this year? In today’s episode, we’re discussing the speaking trends we’ll see in 2023 and what you can do to make the most of the year ahead.

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More intimate, community-based events

Back in the old days of speaking, bigger was better. Huge conventions with hundreds, even thousands, of attendees. Massive conferences with events spread over multiple days. And a long list of speakers scheduled each day.

That image of a speaker onstage at a big conference? So 2019. They’re not gone completely, but they’re a lot less common than they used to be.

Speaking opportunities today are less about reaching the masses and more about connecting with your audience. That means smaller, more intimate events. Think workshops, masterminds, and other smaller gatherings where you can truly have an impact on your audience. 

Oh, and smaller events mean lower costs as well. For you as a speaker, plan which events to accept or pitch, and for your audience, lower ticket prices. It’s a win-win.

Workshop-style presentations

What makes a workshop different from a keynote presentation? Workshops are more interactive and hands-on. While you’re still doing most of the talking in a workshop-style presentation, there’s more room for dialogue with and participation from your audience.

Don’t panic — this doesn’t mean you have to become a teacher as well as a speaker. It’s basically a shift in how you present your talk.

Instead of getting onstage in front of thousands of people, maybe you’re in a smaller room where you can actually hear your audience respond to what you’re saying! You’re more focused on building a relationship with your attendees and getting them the information or the results that they’re hoping for.

You might even have break-out sessions where you “workshop” what your audience just learned, which leads me to… 

Showing, not telling

Another trend I predict for this year? A larger focus on showing, not just telling

And that sounds kinda weird because, as speakers, it’s our job to tell a story! But there is a significant difference between saying you can do something and actually doing it.

This goes hand-in-hand with workshop-style presentations becoming more popular. How can you show rather than tell? Some examples include:

  • Walking an audience member step-by-step through a process

  • Asking questions that guide an audience member to an idea or realization

  • Using an audience member’s ideas or information as an example to prove a point

See how these differ from simply telling a story where something happened, followed by something else, followed by something else?

Showing rather than telling also applies to booking speaking events. 

People are skeptical nowadays. (Blame the internet.) If you want to book for these new speaking opportunities in 2023, you must be prepared. You need proof of your expertise and authority. You have to be ready to show event organizers and hosts that you’re the right speaker for the gig. 

That may mean sharing clips of your past talks on social media, writing a pitch that knocks it out of the park or having testimonials from audience members-turned-clients on your website.

Speaking in 2023 and beyond

Change can be scary. But it can also be a good thing.

If you’re new-ish to the speaking world, these shifts to come in our industry can be unnerving. But hey, I’m here to help you navigate these changes. You don’t have to do it alone. And you might find these changes work better for your speaking personality and goals!

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