Ep 38: Allie Casazza - It's OK to Say No | Knowing Your Seasons


While there are seasons where it makes more sense to yes to everything and there are also seasons where we need to know how to say no. Sometimes saying no to a speaking opportunity can be just as valuable as saying yes! Allie Casazza is married and a mom to four young kids. She is the founder and host of The Purpose Show podcast, and creator of Your Uncluttered Home - an online decluttering course that has earned her national attention for her philosophy of simple motherhood and simple living. Her goal is to help you live a more purposeful and intentional life rather than trying to have more, do more, and be more. Through our conversation, she pulls back the curtain and shows us why she says “no” as well as how certain seasons drive her to say “no” more than others.

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Episode takeaways you don’t want to miss:

  • If you are in a season of saying no to speaking, there is still a lot you can do from your home to reach your audience and increase your business.  

  • The main reason for saying no should be to give you the space both mentally and emotionally to accomplish goals in order to set your next season up for success.

  • Looking ahead at the next season of your life and business will tell you how you should be responding to opportunities that come in the current season you are in.

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