EP 27: Niching Down For Your Events (ft. Katie Hunt)


Have you have ever felt like you needed to say yes to everything or had FOMO about an event or an opportunity because it seemed like everyone else was going to do it? We're talking about the value of niching down your events and even saying no sometimes. Katie Hunt is joining us to give her expertise in this area. She is a speaker and a conference host who has hosted 15 of her own live events. She brings a fresh perspective to the table about being selective with who you're serving at an event you’re hosting or events that you're speaking at. So if you're not sure what events you should be saying yes to or how to gauge whether it's the right fit for you, grab a pen because this episode is for you!

If you loved this episode and it motivated you to add speaking to your business, I’d love for you to leave me some positive feedback on iTunes and tell me about your biggest takeaway. Take a screenshot of you listening on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories and tag us @thecreativespeakerpodcast.

Episode takeaways you don’t want to miss:

  • Depth of knowledge is more important than the amount of exposure someone has.

  • Say yes to events that are closely related to your business. It is important that you serve an audience you are excited to get in front of because they are your target audience.

  • When you get to know your audience well, you can speak directly to their troubles, problems and concerns. You can speak to their pain points and provide solutions that work for them.

  • You don't have to be everything to everyone. So pick two or three topics that you feel passionate and knowledgeable about. Focus on your niche!

Resources mentioned in this episode:

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